246 Courtney Lane, Reno NV 89523

(775) 746-4567


246 Courtney Lane, Reno NV 89523 (775) 746-4567


We believe worship of God should be SPIRITUAL.
Therefore: We remain flexible and yielded to the leading
of the Holy Spirit to direct our worship.
We believe worship of God should be INSPIRATIONAL.
Therefore: We give a great place to music in our worship.
We believe worship of God should be INTELLIGENT.
Therefore: Our services are designed with great emphasis
upon teaching the word of God so He can instruct us
how He wants to be worshiped.
We believe worship of God should be FRUITFUL.
Therefore: We look for His love in our lives as the
supreme manifestation of that fruit.​​


BIBLE - The Bible is the complete, correct, authoritative, and inspired written Word of God and is the standard and guideline for governing the Church.

GOD - There is one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.​


JESUS - Jesus is God Who became man, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died an atoning death, was buried, rose from the dead, ascended to Heaven, will rapture His Church before the Great Tribulation, and will return to rule the earth.

SALVATION - Everyone is separated from God by their sin and destined to Hell for punishment. However, salvation is offered to all as the free and gracious gift from God through the payment of Jesus' shed blood. Salvation is received by faith, turning away from sin, and to Jesus as Savior.


SPIRITUAL WALK - Every believer is to spiritually walk with Jesus daily through Bible study, prayer, worship, fellowship, giving, and serving Christ, His Church, and His world. We can experience the deliverance, healings, miracles, and spiritual gifts of the Bible today.

CHURCH - The Church is both the local assembly of believers and the universal gathering of all Christians. The Church is the Body of Christ which is indwelt, baptized, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to grow in His fruit and gifts.


ORDINANCES - The Ordinances of believer's full immersion water baptism and open Christian communion are practiced regularly.​


​Jesus said that He was the Door (John 10:7-9). And so He is the doorway to the Christian life. Through personal faith in Christ we can find forgiveness of sin, peace with God, and a brand new life. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Just like Jesus changed people's lives in the Bible, even so He can transform you. Apart from Christ there is no other way to God. Christ Himself stated, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14:6).



​Becoming a Christian is giving your life away to Christ. It's giving up control and turning your will over to His. It is denying yourself as Jesus said (Matthew 16:24). ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It's making Christ your personal Lord and Master and yourself as His servant. It is a complete life changing commitment that will transform you forever.​



Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart Jesus as your Lord to become a Christian (Romans 10:9-10). This verbal confession is known as the "sinner's prayer" where one admits their personal sins and need for the Savior. This act of repentance is where you first turn away from your sins and to Jesus as your Lord. It is important to Christ that you confess Him as Lord before others. We would love to help you take these steps of faith in Jesus. Call us directly to take the great plunge into the Christian life.

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